Google AdWords is THE online advertising platform to get your product out there in front of millions of viewers and help you edge out the competition online. Whether you've already started dabbling in AdWords or are new to the AdWords game, you want to make sure it's going to provide value and be worth your time.
To determine the value of AdWords for your business, you have to do some research into the keywords and competitiveness of your industry. To help you prepare for your preliminary research, let's break it down:
Here's how it works: Google displays ads in a text format and posts the content you create within the Google network through search results. This gets your information to users all over the internet and more specifically, users who have searched for your keywords that you targeted.
You bid for keywords against other competitors, so there are industries with more expensive keywords and some that are cheaper. If you don’t see an immediate impact on your conversions (the ad clicks that turn into leads for your company) you feel like you’re wasting your money buying the ads in the first place.
While it may seem that AdWords just doesn't work for you, it’s also important to understand that AdWords isn’t a hands-off system. There are many ways to invest your time and better the value of your AdWord campaigns and it all starts with diligence. It was Benjamin Franklin who said, “Diligence is the mother of good luck”.
Here are 3 simple hacks for boosting your conversion rates for the long-run with Google AdWords:
This is the most important thing to understand and it will be the key to your AdWords success. When coming up with the keywords that you want to use in the ads, you should emphasize the end result for your potential customers — what will they get out of purchasing your product or service? This makes the connection emotional, more relatable and direct, which leads to natural conversions.
Remember, the idea is to use keywords your buyers search for. If you can align the true problem that you solve for them, you will have a better shot at reaching the audience most likely to convert.
Imagine that you're the user — you're searching for a solution to a problem that has become a major headache and you Google a few phrases to try and get an answer. That’s exactly what people will be doing when your Ad pops up for them. This means your job is to try and anticipate what they’re looking for and use those words in your Ad copy.
To make sure you aren't losing sight of your business, think backward; imagine the specific end result you're looking for (what's the conversion?) and then put in the keywords of what that ideal conversion result would be in your initial advertisement. You can use tools like Google Trends and others to help you discover what your buyers are searching for online.
It makes no sense to include your product name in your Ad title if your brand or company isn’t extremely widely known, or piggybacking off of a well-known company. Even then, having your brand and company drive your Ads is the wrong approach and will leave you in the lurch when it comes to conversions. Viewers care about the need you solve for them, not your technical product names or company history (which may even confuse them) — instead, focus on the benefits that your company offers and the keywords that viewers will likely be searching for when they see your ad.
Focus on your true value proposition as you learn about the consequences of an online ego and not addressing the customer.
Google is well-known for the robust analytics across their platforms. AdWords is no different. You can also check out Google Data Studio, a platform that allows you to put together dashboards to view your analytic data across your marketing efforts. You can find custom reports built by experts and reverse engineer them or even download them directly and integrate your data!
To get value out of your Ads, you need to track them with data. To get value out of your data you have to actively use it. If you can determine your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for your AdWords and are diligent in using them to adjust your Ads over time, you will see improvement in your conversions. Read up or find someone to help you understand the valuable metrics that will truly help you identify opportunities for improvement and differentiation.
If you are able to bear these 3 hacks in mind as you take on AdWords to boost your business, you will find nothing but success.