Your website should be your number one marketing tool, but it takes much more than a pretty site to get you leads. We create tools that help you help your customer, in addition to helping you grow your business.
In the video is an example of one of our client's websites that we custom-built to their unique needs.
Champion Personnel Systems is a flexible talent acquisition agency that pairs companies and job candidates together. They have developed a fool-proof matchmaking system that helps both the companies and the job seeker find the right fit for them. But, they wouldn't be able to reach as many people without their website and all of the tools built into it.
They say content is king, and in the world in marketing, it sure is! Champion Personnel utilizes our All-In-One Marketing Booster to keep them high on Google's index while suffocating their competition.
We take time to get to understand our client's individual needs, audience, and goals so we can perfectly curate their content to reach the clients they want.
Since Champion caters to both employers hiring and people looking for jobs, we developed two blog indexes for them so they can share their content specifically to each audience.
Helpful Tip- Do not split up domains for blog pages, that will absolutely destroy your ability to rank organically!
Champion also posts job opening for their clients, which they can easily add, edit, and delete with a few clicks in their RocketSite CMS.
Not only can they manage their job openings, but virtually everything else on their site can be managed by them too. Now, not everyone has that kind of time, so we also offer maintenance packages to manage all that fun stuff for you.
If you are interested in learning more about the custom resources and tools we can build to help boost your business, contact us at Virteom today!