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Content Marketing is Complex, but Virteom has the Answers

Content Marketing is Complex, but Virteom has the Answers

Posted By Dan Carbone
March 29, 2023 Category: Content Marketing, Marketing Campaign, Marketing, Website, Strategy, Content, Campaign, Marketing Strategy

While videos are one good way to tell your company story, content marketing digs deeper in numerous ways. Content marketing is the core of what we do at Virteom.

Website Content Creation

Website Content Creation

Posted By Virteom
May 21, 2020 Category: Content, Website Development

Your website is pretty, but how much does it speak to your buyers?  Having a pretty website is definitely going to help attract customers, but if the content on your site doesn't move them, they'll move on. Likewise, they may never find you if you don't have the content working for you day and night! Organic Content Brings in Leads If you are struggling to grow your business, one of the best tools in your arsenal is your website. If you do not have a website, if you have an outdated website, or if your website is all show and no talking, you're missing out!  Let's Dive into a Real-World Example Loving Choice Senior Care is a group of wonderful women who have dedicated their life's to helping people. More recently, their focus is on helping patients who have dementia, Alzheimer's, and other factors that make it hard for them to live day to day without the care of professional caretakers.  The problem was, there was no one place to go for someone seeking answers about how to care for their loved ones. Loving Choice Senior Care revolutionized that with their new website built by Virteom.  They opted for a Content Booster with their website development so they could reach these people who were struggling to care for their family and friends.  Smart Websites that Speak for You We build smart websites that do the heavy lifting for you! Each part of our process when building your site is designed to provide value to you

How to Convert Leads Fast with Hybrid Blogging

How to Convert Leads Fast with Hybrid Blogging

Posted By Virteom
August 12, 2019 Category: Marketing, Social Media, Content

Marketing is not the same as it was twenty years ago when you could just post your sign on a billboard and have the customers come rushing in. Now marketing is much more strategic, and it requires a more technology-oriented approach. Our team at Virteom has a deep-rooted understanding of how to use technology and marketing to help your business flourish!  Digital Marketing That Works The secret to converting your leads faster is with smart online marketing techniques that work for you 24/7. One tool that we offer at Virteom is Hybrid Blogging, a video and an article posted to your website that does all of the work for you.  How Does Hybrid Blogging Work? The goal is to have you come in every two months for a one-hour recording session. During this session, you talk about all of the products and or services you can provide to you potential customers.  From this session, we create eight short videos about your company, explaining why people should choose you. Then every week, we post one of those videos to your website with a blog article.  But that's not all! Then we take those videos and post them to all of your social media platforms. YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, you name it and we will post there. This keeps your current followers informed, but it also makes it easier for your potential customers to find you! As if that wasn't enough reason why to choose Hybrid Blogs: Hybrid blogs make you and your company more recognizab

How Can a Content Style Guide Boost Leads?

How Can a Content Style Guide Boost Leads

Posted By Virteom
July 24, 2019 Category: Content

Forget the sales pitch, people want content. Eighty-four percent of consumers expect content creation from brands, even from emails. Millennials distrust ads and ad blockers are the norm. This data means you need a content style guide to maximize your results. What is a Content Style Guide? If content is king, a content style guide is its chief advisor. For any and all content you publish or post as a company, this key document defines the… Voice: Rhythm and language of your brand’s personality. Tone: Adaptation of your voice to different platforms. Style: What your content looks like i.e. formatting, grammar, etc. It clearly explains what your brand is and how to best express it through copy. It offers both an overview and detailed direction to writers, video producers, and all other content creators. The foundation of quality content starts with a well-researched content style guide. How Does a Content Style Guide Help? Your brand consists of visuals and content — both equally important in spreading your message. A content style guide helps them work in harmony. The information laid out in a content style guide boosts your copy by giving your publications… A consistent voice across platforms and channels. Consistent spelling and grammar conventions. Focused content moving in a clear direction. A content style guide designed with your target audience in mind (as all good style guides are) keeps content focused on them. When using a copywr

Content Creation Services in Cleveland, Ohio

Content Creation Services in Cleveland, Ohio

Posted By Virteom
June 05, 2019 Category: Content

Creating content for your business by yourself can be daunting. You are the expert in what you do, but that doesn't mean you have the time to perfectly craft copy for your website or your digital marketing. Well guess what, you don't have to! More often than not, the factor that keeps a website from launching is the absence of content. If you are providing it to us, getting your site launch might take two to three extra months just because you simply don't have the time to commit to writing.  The Content Booster with Virteom With the content booster from Virteom, you don't have to spend hours upon grueling hours spinning your wheels about what to write, how to write it, and even better you don't have to worry about whether or not what you have written is grammatically correct. What You Do Instead, all you have to do is make a one-hour commitment to meet with us here at Virteom, online, or anywhere really! During this meeting, we ask you core questions about your business, and you relay it to us in your own words. We record the meeting so that we have it to refer to when we are actually writing your content.  We may have a clarifying question or two, but those are always manageable in an email or a quick phone call. But, after that hour meeting, you are essentially done with worrying about your business's content! And that's it! Phew!  WHAT WE DO After we have collected information from our meeting with you, we get right t

Content Creation Keeping Your Website From Launching? Problem Solved!

Content Creation Keeping Your Website From Launching  Problem Solved!

Posted By Virteom
July 26, 2018 Category: Content

Is content development holding your website back from launching? Did one look at the site map for your new website strike fear in your heart because of the content that was required? The good news is, help is available. A copywriter can come to your rescue. Here are some great reasons to hire someone else to write your content: You Do Not Have Time to write content As a business owner, your calendar, schedule and to-do list are likely maxed out. Adding content writing to your to-do list will only stress you out and leave you less time to get everything else done. But, content is vital to any business to engage with your target audience, increase conversions and communicate about your company effectively. You Lack Content writing Skills Expressing your thoughts with proper spelling and grammar is the foundation of writing. But, so much more goes into content creation. To publish quality content, you need to have knowledge of the following: Grammar, spelling and punctuation. Search engine optimization (SEO) best practices. Persuasive writing techniques. A variety of content lengths and formats. Search engine algorithm changes. You Are Overwhelmed A glance at your website’s site map reveals the amount of content needed to launch your site. Even the best multi-taskers grow faint from the reality. To thrive in this environment, you need the following: Content filled with the right words. Perspective to write easy-to-understand, jargon-free copy. Fresh website, bl

7 Tips On Lead Generating Content

7 Tips On Lead Generating Content

Posted By Virteom
February 01, 2018 Category: Content, Tips

  Content is king, but what does that mean for you? How will it keep your business moving forward when content writing requires so much time? How will that bring leads in? You’re want to write the best content because you want your customers to find you first, find you fast, and find what they need. Creating valuable content that finds its way to your audience requires you to stay true to your purpose, the customer. Of course, efficiency makes it happen week after week — drawing in consumer and search engine traffic through frequency and follow through. But successful web content come from the value within it. Use these seven tips to get your content done right and get ready to see the leads roll in. 1. Know Your Purpose and Plan An editorial calendar lays out content topics ahead of schedule. This tool saves valuable time and defeats creator’s block. Knowing your purpose for each piece of content and how it fits into your goals keeps you on track. Try grouping similar topics together for content that fills the calendar and helps writing flow. When your all of your content is connected to each other, it has a better chance of connecting with your readers. 2. Interact With Customers Understanding your customers enables you to create content they want. Initiate conversations via social media. Conduct surveys, and listen to customer conversations, questions and pain points. Use these common themes to fuel content creation. Doing so

Creating an A+ Blog that Ranks High and Provides Value

Creating an A+ Blog that Ranks High and Provides Value

Posted By Virteom
September 05, 2017 Category: Marketing, Tips, Content

With a lot on your mind, you pour your heart and soul into blog post after blog post. You post all the new events, awards and recognition your company gets. Isn’t that quality? No fluff topics. No sales pitchy posts. Just trustworthy, heartfelt content. Unfortunately, even this noble foundation leaves many blogs unread. To create an A+ blog that ranks high in search engines, your content needs to provide value and speak to readers by doing the following.   Feed Your Audience What It Wants  Great content means little if it only has meaning to you. To draw readers in, you need to give audiences what they want to read. Look for trending topics, provide solutions to reader problems and answer their questions with your blog posts. Become a resource for your current customers and readers and future ones! To accomplish this, you need to do your research. Use Google Trends to find up-to-date topics based on search volume. Look to Quora, LinkedIn Answers and other such sites to identify common questions. Survey your audience through email and social media platforms. Simply ask a question on a social media post and listen to the replies. Study your audience to know the problems they face. Package Content Beautifully Magazines shout it. Hollywood drives it. The Jones’ promote it. While the cultural focus on looks may irritate us, reality dictates that appearance matters. Your blog is no exception. An attractive blog gets attention, and it’s

Spending Too Much Time on SEO? You Should Be!

Spending Too Much Time on SEO  You Should Be!

Posted By Virteom
July 25, 2017 Category: Tips, Content

If your new to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Check out this video before reading! If you have an online business, search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial aspect to your business. It can’t be an afterthought. You have to build it into your online marketing strategy from the very beginning. Generating traffic from organic searches to your website is a key part of your online business, but many businesses design their websites without factoring SEO into the design. You might have a beautiful design, but without the SEO “guts” you won’t get too far. Your site should look nice and modern, but it also needs to be built to handle lead generation and search marketing. Where to Begin with SEO You really should be spending significant time on your SEO, or paying someone to think about it for you. So what are the things you need to consider? It starts with the domain you choose. It has to make sense and relate to what you do in your business. For example: if you’re in the landscaping business, choosing a domain that has ‘landscaping’ in it will help with your ranking. If you have other domains, you have to make sure that they all properly point to this main site. Don’t skimp when it comes to who is hosting your site, it needs to be fast so your users are happy. Virteom offers premium hosting to ensure load speed is never an issue. It's All in the Content Your site needs to be SEO-friendly, meaning that search eng

The Consequences of an Online Ego and Not Addressing the Customer

The Consequences of an Online Ego and Not Addressing the Customer

Posted By Virteom
June 21, 2017 Category: Tips, Marketing, Content

Set Your Pride Aside! There are certain mistakes that instantly kill the purpose of a marketing campaign and excessive boasting is one of them. A boastful and self-centric online presence highlights a lack of understanding of what customers want. So, while marketing may be all about putting a word about who you are, what you do and how well you do it, too much boasting can destroy your online image altogether.  How do you get customers to choose you without talking about your capabilities and accomplishments? Bragging Ends up Costing More Than You’re Getting Businesses need to understand that the purpose of branding is to highlight the value their service/product holds for the customer.  It should be about ‘What You Will Get’ rather than ‘What We Do?’ A simple change of subject can make a world of difference. Blowing your own horn is a sign of ego and customers aren’t attracted to big-headed brands anymore. One of the worst mistakes companies can make is putting no focus on building a connection with the customers. This is what makes some of the consumers turn away instead of being swept by the good vibes. Not only will your marketing efforts go in vain, you might end up losing your customers to your competitors who show that they care. Creating the Wrong Hype Always Comes Back at You like a Boomerang Sometimes boasting does work in your favor and creates too much of a hype in an attempt to attract clientele. This may c

11 Questions to Ask When Getting Ready to Write Valuable Website Content

11 Questions to Ask When Getting Ready to Write Valuable Website Content

Posted By Virteom
April 25, 2017 Category: Content

Where do I start? What do I write about?   Need to write for your website but find yourself asking these questions as you try to get the ball rolling? Don’t worry. These are common questions every business owner asks prior to getting comfortable writing content. Like all tasks, you can break down the writing process into steps. Once you have a template for how to lay out your ideas, the writing part usually takes care of itself. Let’s analyze how to get ideas for your next piece of content and how to structure your post effectively.  Asking a few basic questions prior to writing helps grease the slide and moves you into a feeling of momentum and motivation. 1. Who am I writing this post for? As a business owner, you have already identified one or more buyer personas. Get in touch with who you’re trying to reach most with your next piece of content. Narrowing this down helps focus the entire process. Once you know which buyer persona you’re targeting, you’ll start to get an understanding for how to define the overall post. 2. What topic will I focus on? Decide on one main topic for your post. For example, a window film business owner may want to focus on security film. This narrows the scope of the post down. The post won’t get into anything to do with decorative window film, for example. Instead, it will stay focused on how window film has the ability to keep thieves out, beef up security, etc. 3. Is this topic importan

Deploying Virteom with your Tech Team

Deploying Virteom with your Tech Team

Posted By Virteom
March 27, 2013 Category: Website Launches, Content

Can Virteom be built and managed by you? Over the past decade it has always been a mystery as to if the Virteom Platform could be managed by an external company and their own employees.  And I don't mean just the content, but actually building their entire website ground up on the Virteom platform with their own developers, subject matter experts, designers and so on.  Today marks a new era in Virteom's history where one of our customers does just that very thing. Congratulations to Gateway Exhibits for teaming up with Virteom and our platform to launch their brand new website. It's gorgeous! Virteom is not proprietary, it's open to you and me. This is a very big milestone for Virteom and a testament to all of our current and future customers. Why would this be such a big deal?  It demonstrates that with or without Virteom, the platform can live on and flourish on its own. This is very important for any platform to be successful.  Nobody wants to be locked into a proprietary platform. Today is the day that Virteom proves that you can have your cake and eat it too! It demonstrates a new era for Virteom where others can embrace and mold our technology with or without us. This allows Virteom to offer a vast variety of flexibility. No need to be concerned anymore. I've been in the web and mobile sales cycle for a couple of decades now, so I understand the meaning of owning your own platform.  There are two types of clients that Vi

Own Your Own Content

Posted By Virteom
September 24, 2012 Category: Content, Marketing, Social Media, Tips

In case you were not aware the next big buzz phrase is  'Original Content'.  In fact some have come forward and claimed this to be a bigger moment than SEO.  So what does it all really mean to you?  Let's take a closer look at what is meant by owning your own content.  Most of this movement stems from Google.  Google is basically dinging websites if it finds duplicate content on the web.  So if you are just borrowing someone else's content and placing it on your website you may not be doing yourself any favors. Try and place your content within a domain that YOU own and with hyperlinks that YOU control.  Are you the Owner? Why did I underline and stress YOU?  There is this trend or should I say movement where persons and organizations are utilizing third-party blogging services to store their original content. In some cases, persons or organizations are spending hundreds and even thousands a month to store this newly created content on the web. The issue with this model is the content owner does not own the cloud-based blogging system where their content is housed. This means they do not own the hyperlinks to the content and can't control those hyperlinks which means they really don't own their own content either.  If they invest years in storing this content in these subscription-based blog systems then they may become enslaved in subscribing to high monthly fees just to keep their content linked

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