
Blog - Month: April 2018

Month: April 2018

You're too Busy for Marketing - and We Know Why!

Youre too Busy for Marketing   and We Know Why!

Posted By Virteom
April 30, 2018 Category: Marketing

We know why you aren’t marketing: you’re running a business. Your time is literally your money and the money of everyone who works for you, and nothing eats up the hours of the day like running a business. When the buck stops with you, schedules need to be made, books need to be balanced, payroll needs to be in on time, supplies need to be ordered and products need to keep moving out steadily. On top of all that, you still have to deal with daily decisions that can’t be planned for. Being your own boss has its drawbacks, and a premium on time is probably the most significant. The problem is your business still needs to market, because marketing won’t happen by itself. Fresh original content needs to be posted to the business blog, social media needs to keep turning out fresh, useful information to your followers, and you need to continue to build your brand even as you get business done. How do you do that with all the responsibilities and time constraints you already have? That’s where we come in. Delegate Your Marketing to Virteom It is our mission to help businesses grow through the technologies we build. One of the best ways we know to grow your business is through marketing! Don’t stretch yourself further, let Virteom lighten the workload. Rhythmic Marketing™ Roadmaps Smart marketing requires measurable long-term objectives and goals. What would you do if you could sit down for one meeting and have your marketing for the ne

3 Reasons You Should Start Website Maintenance Today

3 Reasons You Should Start Website Maintenance Today

Posted By Virteom
April 16, 2018 Category: Maintenance

If you are running a business, your website is the tool that highlights what your business is all about. Your website defines your business and the services it offers, giving clients the information that influences their decision to buy. Over the years, though, this information can quickly become outdated, which can adversely affect your business if you do not make the necessary changes. Consistent website maintenance is vital to your business’ online presence. Here are three reasons why you should continually update your website: An Updated Website Attracts New Visitors A great website provides useful information that immediately captures the attention of visitors. If your website is professional and tidy, you are likely to leave a lasting first impression with your website’s new visitors. An unkept, outdated website will often scare prospective customers and traffic away. Make sure you consistently update your website’s design themes and content to ensure that your visitors are getting the information they need to make a decision to work with you. If your website is your business’ first impression among site visitors, it’s your job to make that experience engaging and worthwhile. Updated Content Increases Traffic When there are changes to your business, like promotions or giveaways, update your website and give visitors optimal information when they are browsing your site. Outdated content and information that is irrelevant to visitors dr

Web Design in 2018

Web Design in 2018

Posted By Virteom
April 09, 2018 Category: Website Trends

The internet has been around for decades. So, most people are comfortable with it and know how to use it to their best advantage. Websites are an integral part of the internet, and without them, life would be difficult for both everyday and business use. Over the years, the standards for web design have evolved and been refined. Here are some of the best practices and standards that you can see in web design in the coming year. The Basics of web design: The Header The header of your website is one of the most valuable areas of yor site. It made up of your logo, navigation, sub menus and search features.  Navigation Navigation tools are important for any website. The navigation of your website are the links that take visitors to one page or another on your website. This information is most often placed in a header across the top of the homepage. That way it is easy to find and use. For more on navigation best practices click here.  Search Feature Placement If you are going to include a search feature on your website, it needs to be placed carefully. Most web designers place it in the header. However, including a search box is not a necessary task. It is not needed for websites that are organized well. Logo Placement Of course, a company’s website must have the company’s logo on it somewhere. The industry standard has become the upper left corner of the page. Although it is not a hard and fast rule that must be followed, it has become the most c

Effective Video Marketing Grabs Attention and Boosts SEO

Posted By Virteom
April 05, 2018 Category: Tips, Marketing

A television show, movie, video game — they all hold our interest. And, while most of us love a good quality program, even the less-than-stellar options keep our attention at times. Incorporating video marketing into your marketing strategy capitalizes on this draw. Why Video Marketing is Important to You Videos hold human attention longer than our usual eight second, similar-to-a-goldfish span. Elevating us to new heights, video marketing interactively engages your audience, raises brand awareness and prompts lead generation. EyeView Digital suggests that landing page videos boost conversions by 80 percent. Increased time spent on your branded page, the trust raised with your audience and capitalizing on our human preference for having material fed to us (rather than reading it) gives video a leg up. But there’s more. Check out this HighQ infographic for the stats on why video must be an integral part of your marketing strategy this year. How Video Marketing Fits Your Strategy Incorporating a video into each stage of the buyer journey gets you started without being overwhelmed. In an iMPACT blog, Carina Duffy suggests educating consumers at the awareness stage, explaining at the consideration stage and showing or demonstrating at the decision stage — all with video. Connecting video content to your buyer personas benefits the consumer and fits your brand. For instance, use the common questions your site visitors ask to create educational (but fun) v

Marketing (46)
Tips (37)
Website Launches (31)
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